
Team: France

Singer/Band: GreenDay GoodCharlotte Evanescence LinkinPark AllAmericanRejects Blink182 FallOutBoy TheKillers

Music: GothRock SoftMetal

TV Show: TheVampireDiaries V NCIS(FavoriteCharacter :Abby) Buffy Angel TerminatorTheSarahConnorChronicles StargateAtlantis StarWars StarTrek DoctorWho Torchwood WildLifeDocumentaries

Food: Seafood Sushi ChickenCeaserSalad LaDaube FiletMignonWthBernaiseSauce BoeufBourguignon CocAuVin DucLaOrange Spanikoptika Dolmades Pastitsu BlackOlives Brie Feta CremeBrulee OefsALaNeige(Floating Islands) StawberriesInRoseWineWithBaileysIceCream StrawberryCheeseCake Chocolate PinkMarshmellos. What can I say, I never get hungry. I just eat for the taste. Lol

Author: Stephen King

Movie: ScienceFiction Horror ResidentEvil Blade UnderWorld

Animal: Cat WhiteSiberianTiger RoyalBengalTiger FurryLittleCritters

Place: Australia Great Southern Land where kangaroos in speedo's sunglasses and thongs, jump down the main street holding up traffic and mugging people for thier Vegemite sandwiches.

Thing: I dont have one. Things arnt important. People are.

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